Chris Hermansen
Sales and Attraction Manager

Get an overview of our exciting Business Hosts in Fredericia

Look forward to being inspired by exciting presentations and/or tours at some of Fredericia’s biggest and strongest companies.

Business Hosts

Look forward to being inspired by exciting presentations and/or tours at some of Fredericia’s biggest and strongest companies.

The following are suggested themes, but we are happy to customise the experience to your wishes and interests.
The company
Guided tour
Possible themes
ADP & Fredericia Havn: The green transition with a focus on Power-to-X and carbon capture and storage.
Taulov Dairy: The journey to becoming a sustainable dairy business.
Carlsberg Danmark
Carlsberg’s new water recycling plant, the most efficient in the world.
Energy Cluster Denmark
The energy system of the future.
Denmark’s green energy transition + the green electricity and gas transition.
The data centre aims to be carbon neutral by 2030:
What will this journey be like?
The canal district, Kanalbyen, in Fredericia
Climate change mitigation in the new canal district and Fredericia town centre.
DLG as part of the food cluster and their responsibility for reducing their climate footprint.
Fredericia Spildevand & Energi A/S
One of the country’s largest municipal wastewater treatment plants, inspiring innovation and green solutions with industry, knowledge institutions and the municipality.

New pioneering project: From sludge to green oil.
Fredericia School of Engineering
Training for the green transition.
This offer applies to companies organising a meeting, conference, trade fair or event in Fredericia. Contact us at Experience Fredericia to learn more.